Inspired by the Interfaith Statement signed by Pope Francis, Ahmed El-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, and around 30 religious leaders and representatives from a range of traditions, launched on December 3, the Faith Pavilion at COP28 puts forth this Call to Action. We come from different faiths, religions, and spiritual backgrounds. We come from the North and the South, from the East and the West. We represent different communities, united in our longing for a more sustainable and inclusive world. Though we come from varied traditions, we understand that the climate crisis is fundamentally a human crisis. Human actions, distorted by vices such as greed and selfishness, have brought humanity and the planet to the brink of disaster. By cultivating healthy values, which are taught and practiced in our traditions, we can find balance, and heal our common life, and protect Mother Earth. Our common values inspire and unite us in our efforts to combat the human-made climate crisis and to nurture the sacredness and well-being of all life on Earth. Love for our world and for each other, and awareness of our interconnectedness, underpin our understanding and our commitment to urgent action. Every sector of human endeavor – government, multilateral entities, business, health care systems, educational, cultural and artistic institutions – all contribute to the good effort needed now to bring about balance and healing. The religions of the world do not own spiritual values, but they make them the center of their lives. The religious communities bring to the work of climate action and advocacy, among other contributions, their values. This call to action expresses several areas of climate justice that are urgent. No less urgent is the call for us to change our thinking and replace our unhealthy values with those that lead to an integrated, balanced life, a life shared with all people and species. We call for transformation rooted in shared and unifying values Spiritual and religious communities account for the vast majority of the world’s population. Our commitment to the well-being of the planet, and of present and future generations, is fundamentally an ethical pact. If our actions are motivated by greed, indifference, and apathy towards one another and the Earth, overconsumption will continue to harm our sole life-support system. As communities dedicated to addressing environmental destruction and climate change, we take part in negotiations, policy-making, advocacy, and public mobilizations. In these, we affirm that actions and activities rooted in shared values of compassion, love, modesty, interconnectedness and justice are vital to achieve genuine, enduring change. We are aware of our responsibility for the common good, and in good will we remind parties of their responsibility to make this COP28 a conference that is rooted in the ambition of limiting global warming to 1.5C and to equity. These shared values may be expressed in different policies and proposals at different times. At COP28, we have an opportunity to make significant progress on the thematic foci, by day, of the COP, such as: finance, loss and damage, adaptation, mitigation, gender equity, youth, children, education and skills, and nature, land use, and oceans. We appreciate the progress already made at COP28, but are aware of much left to be agreed. We call for world and local leaders and policy makers to:
A just transition to a green economy is one which respects the dignity and value of each human being. This transition must put at the center the needs of the most vulnerable, who currently suffer the inequalities of a model of progress based on consumption and growth. Until 2030 our transition towards a green economy must involve halving its CO2-levels. No one should be excluded from the benefits that flow from the development of a greener economy. The logic of our current economic model needs to be replaced in order to shift from progress to development for all. The transition to sustainability must be equitable for all. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is insufficient; we must urgently stop the expansion of fossil fuel production. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) unequivocally calls for a phase-down and eventual cessation of fossil fuel production. We encourage faith communities worldwide to become part of the FFNPT. All parties to the Paris Agreement are urged to agree to a binding and universal phase-out of coal, oil and gas within a COP28 decision so that our energy systems become renewable and more just. We believe that protecting species and ecosystems is vital, both for the welfare of human communities and animals and because of the inherent value they hold. Our traditions respect and value the life of the world for its own sake, not solely for the enhancement and protection of humanity. Promises have been made to support the people and nations who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, yet have done the least to cause it. Funding the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Loss and Damage Fund to support adaptation and mitigation aligns with our commitment to honesty and truth – spiritual values that underpin collective promises. While fully funding the GCF is crucial, we also support a simultaneous assessment of the GCF in terms of access to the Fund, creating innovative funding structures that better meet the needs of the phase of the climate crisis today. We call for effective global governance to tackle climate change and a positive vision The climate crisis transcends national and regional boundaries and affects the whole of humanity. More effective global collaboration and governance is vital to meet the scale of this challenge. Such collaboration should include strengthening commitments from member states and multilateral bodies to the well-being of the planet, not just to their own domestic interests. Additionally, enforceable mechanisms to ensure that commitments made will be kept should be put in place. Our vision is that the well-being of humans, animals, and nature will be the central indicator of progress, rather than a sole focus on linear economic growth. A binding Holistic Well-being Index could assess development and prosperity in this way. The creation of this index requires a paradigm shift towards cyclic thinking, and an interdisciplinary, global approach, which also considers the wisdom of our traditions. Since all people depend on our shared world to live and flourish, people from all segments of society should have a voice in decisions about its future. When the rich tapestry of humanity has the opportunity to participate in policy-making, the results will be better informed and more widely owned. We honor Indigenous Peoples We seek to honor Indigenous Peoples, who, despite at times unimaginable oppression and violence, have upheld world views that recognize the interconnectedness of the Earth we all share. We are deeply grateful for their courage and their continued resilience. Their wisdom replenishes our commitment, and we pledge to stand alongside them as allies, in unwavering solidarity. We call for responsibility and recommitment A sustainable future, in which all people live with dignity, is possible if we commit to consuming and producing less, especially in countries which are responsible for high levels of CO? emissions. To decisively reduce emissions, we advocate for a conscientious review of global and individual priorities along a commitment to reduce the carbon footprint at all levels, including the public sector, industry, businesses and digital services, military, aviation, aeronautics, and in our own private lives. True change also demands accountability and responsibility for actions taken or not taken. Therefore, we advocate for the establishment of neutral, objective, and forceful accountability measures which hold complicit nations and institutions to account for harmful action, delay or inaction. We also acknowledge the unfortunate complicity of people acting in the name of religion in empire-building and colonialism over many centuries and into the modern era. These activities have brought us perilously close to ecological collapse. Consequently, our own religious communities require healing, spiritual awakening and recommitment to our core values and ideals. Each of our traditions embraces dynamic processes of transformation and restoration. Rituals of lament, sorrow, repentance, recommitment, and renewal, can guide us all – religious and secular, civil society and government – as we chart a path forward. Our hope for COP28 and beyond This interfaith call to action is extended as an expression of hope rooted in reality. We call attention to the extreme urgency of this moment. The climate science community has pointed out how quickly Earth’s systems have reached tipping points. We know that at COP28, ambitious action is needed to hold to the ceiling of 1.5° C that may protect life today and in the future. Therefore we add our energy, our prayers and our action to the voices of all the different sectors, to call together for ambitious advocacy, action and agreement on climate change at COP28 and beyond. We invite individuals and organizations to sign onto this Call to Action! COP28 is the First-ever Faith Pavilion at a UN Climate Conference. Bishop Marc Andrus from the Bay Area Episcopal Diocese was one of the leaders. Strike Like A 16-Year-Old! -- September 20 - San Francisco - Global Climate Strike What: Greta Thunberg has come to the U.S. and school kids are striking. They have asked adults for support. Join young people in the streets to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels and emergency action to avoid climate breakdown. Meet with ICAN members at the Federal Building for a rally. When/Where: 10 am, Federal Building, 90 70th Street, San Francisco. Accessibility/Mobility: The event will start with a rally. Students will then disperse to various point around the city, at that point there will be some marching. September 14 - Walnut Creek - Twilight Parade What: The Climate Action March and Electric Car Caravan will, for the first time in the 83 year history of the annual Twilight parade, bring attention to our Climate Crisis. Since this is a parade, spots are reserved. So whatever your faith or group, you are welcome to march behind ICAN's banner. When/Where: Parade starts at 6 pm, marchers assemble at 5:00 at Olympic and South Main Street, look for the Climate Action Now banner. September 21 - Walnut Creek - Community Climate Rally and Action Fair What: Youth activists, environmental, and faith leaders will inspire us to address the Climate Crisis. The environmental action fair will promote education, engagement and action. Stay and participate in a Teach-In and Join-In to learn how you can be part of the change! People are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the rally and the day. When/Where: 1 - 3 pm, Walnut Creek Civic Park. Accessibility/Mobility: There will only be a rally, there will be no march.
Today, Acting EPA Administrator and former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler sent his proposal to the Federal Register to declare that mercury pollution limits on coal plants are no longer “appropriate and necessary.”
This is his way of rewarding a few coal companies, like Murray Energy which he used to lobby for, in spite of united opposition from health professionals, utilities, moms, environmental leaders, and faith communities. But Wheeler cannot act unilaterally, and the EPA is required to take public comment into consideration in setting or changing regulations. Tell the EPA you oppose this proposal: click here to send a message today. Mercury pollution impacts the most vulnerable among us: unborn babies and children. Babies exposed to mercury in the womb suffer long-term impacts on their memory, cognitive thinking, language, and fine motor skills. As people of faith we are called to defend the vulnerable and care for future generations. This attack on our community's health and goes against our core morals and values. Take action today and let the EPA know you oppose any weakening of life-saving mercury standards. Since 2011, thanks to the Mercury and Air Toxics standards, mercury emissions were reduced by 70% or more. But now, Acting Administrator Wheeler wants to endanger that progress. Of all the anti-environmental actions taken by the Trump administration, this one may be the most egregious. It threatens the health of children and babies. It’s also dangerous for adults: exposure affects vital organs like the lungs, kidneys, brain, and heart. And it disproportionately impacts people of color and lower income families who are more likely to live and work in areas near polluting power plants that emit mercury. We will not stand for the sacrifice of human life and health just to make dirty coal a little more profitable. With your help, IPL will educate and inspire faith leaders and people of faith across the nation to stand up in defense of future generations. Make your voice heard today: click here to register your opposition to this outrageous proposal. Thank you, Susan Stephenson Executive Director DOCUMENTARY FILM RACING EXTINCTION
Saturday, February 9th at 7:00 PM Bortin Hall Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek CA Poor People's Campaign presents:
A Poor People's Hearing on Homelessness, Mass Incarceration and the Criminalization of Poverty Saturday, April 6th from 2-4 pm Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church 1188 12th Street, Oakland Poor People's Campaign: A national Call for Moral Revival organized by California Poor People's Campaign Bay Area. * Summer Solstice Sunrise Service Friday June 21, 2019 Sunrise and ritual at the summit of Mount Diablo at 5:00 am Offerings of tobacco to the ancestors, prayers for peace, and a toast to the sun. This year's intention to Honor Mother Earth. For more details click here. March for Fossil Fuel Freedom
April You're invited to join the March for Fossil Fuel Freedom, a 34-mile march from Palo Alto to San Francisco over three days (March 16 to 18). Part of 350 Silicon Valley's "Oily Wells" campaign, the march will call attention to the funding Wells Fargo provides for building pipelines carrying Canadian tar sands oil across Minnesota. Through a series of nonviolent public actions, the campaign seeks a dialogue with Wells executives to convince them to end fossil-fuel profiteering, and the campaign will inform Wells customers, employees and the general public about Wells's role in funding dirty energy projects. Climate Change Discussion with Reps trained by Al Gore & Film Showing (Free)
April 14 @ 2:00 TO 5:00 pm Temple Isaiah 945 Risa Road, Lafayette Free! Join us for a discussion on climate change and free screening of Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" led by Sustainable Lafayette. Learn how to help make a positive impact on climate change locally by joining the #livinglightly challenge and other direct actions. According to the EPA, electric power is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Choosing an electric service with 100% renewable sources can eliminate your electricity related carbon footprint. Enroll in MCE's "Deep Green" program for 100% California renewable energy at only $0.01/kWh (~$5/month). Everyone is welcome to attend and bring a friend. EastBay Electrification Expo: Fight Climate Change with a Clean Energy Home When? Thursday, February 7, 2019, 3pm-8pm Where? Ed Roberts Campus, 3075 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703 Our homes and buildings are the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. But thanks to local Community Choice Energy providers, electricity in the Bay Area is clean, and is getting cleaner and greener every year. We can vastly reduce our carbon footprint by getting off natural gas in our homes and electrifying everything. Not only does electrification reduce greenhouse gases, it also makes our homes healthier and safer. For who? Renters, Homeowners & Building Professionals Cost: FREE, register at a Colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth's climate.
That's the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK. The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation. This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet. It's a cooling period often referred to in the history books as the "Little Ice Age" - a time when winters in Europe would see the Thames in London regularly freeze over. "The Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas led to the abandonment of enough cleared land that the resulting terrestrial carbon uptake had a detectable impact on both atmospheric CO₂ and global surface air temperatures," Alexander Koch and colleagues write in their paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews. |
Marnie ParkerMembers of ICAN Contra Costa Archives
December 2023
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