BAAQMD - Bay Area Air Quality Management District
The purpose of BAAQMD is to
Funding for BAAQMD
BAAQMD receives funds from various grants. Because the Carl Moyer Fund is at the top of the list the presumption is that this is the largest source of income for BAAQMD. The Carl Moyer Program is a voluntary grant program that reduces air pollution from vehicles and equipment. It does this by providing incentive funds to private companies and public agencies to purchase cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technologies. Here is a fact sheet from the website. According to this fact sheet it is important to reduce diesel emissions because of the following. Emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines have been identified as a major source of air pollution, including smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx), and cancer-causing air toxics including particulate matter (PM) from diesel combustion. Seventy percent of the airborne carcinogens in California come from diesel exhaust.
BAAQMD receives funds from various grants. Because the Carl Moyer Fund is at the top of the list the presumption is that this is the largest source of income for BAAQMD. The Carl Moyer Program is a voluntary grant program that reduces air pollution from vehicles and equipment. It does this by providing incentive funds to private companies and public agencies to purchase cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technologies. Here is a fact sheet from the website. According to this fact sheet it is important to reduce diesel emissions because of the following. Emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines have been identified as a major source of air pollution, including smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx), and cancer-causing air toxics including particulate matter (PM) from diesel combustion. Seventy percent of the airborne carcinogens in California come from diesel exhaust.